An error log is a listing of the error messages and warnings which showed up for one reason or another while your visitors were looking through your website. This sort of a log features raw info on the way the server has handled requests a number of situations. An error message may appear if, for example, a link leads to a page or a file that is not on the web server, if the code on a certain page cannot be processed, if any individual is trying to access the Internet site or its back office via an IP address that's blocked by an .htaccess rule and so forth. The data within the error log offers the IP of the visitor, what error message came out and the basis for the web server to show it, the full path to the file that triggered the error and the exact time of the event. Having this information will enable you to figure out if any part of your Internet site has a problem, that you can then resolve. As a result, your visitors will have a better experience and you may optimize the Internet site for maximum performance.

Error Log Viewer in Cloud Web Hosting

When you host your websites on our innovative cloud hosting platform, you will be able to see comprehensive error logs for every single one of them regardless of the cloud web hosting that you’ve picked. The function is available in our in-house built Hepsia CP and can be turned on with simply a click from the Access/Error Logs section. Once you're there, you'll see all the domain names and subdomains that you have and you'll have the chance to switch on the error log generation individually for every one, so that you can monitor only on the sites you want or need. If you don't require a log of the errors to be kept, you are able to deactivate the feature with a mouse click from the same exact section of the CP. There you will also find a Download link for each log created by our system, so you could save the ones which you need to your laptop or computer and use log processing software to get easy-to-read statistical info.

Error Log Viewer in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Activating the generation of error logs for each of your sites shall be extremely easy if you use a semi-dedicated server account on our cutting-edge hosting platform. This requires just one mouse click in the Access/Error Logs section of our in-house built Hepsia Control Panel, which comes with the semi-dedicated accounts, so you will not need to possess any previous experience with an website hosting service. Our system shall start gathering the raw info almost immediately and you may save it to your personal computer by simply clicking on the Download button, which is situated in the exact same section of the Control Panel. If you'd like to use human-readable charts and prepare performance reports, you could process the downloaded files with some software on your computer. The error log generation could be deactivated just as fast if you don't need reports for your sites.