There are several ways to contact the web hosting company whose services you’re using, but the one that you’ll always find irrespective of which company you select is a ticketing system. It’s the least complicated means of communication for a variety of reasons. If no tech support engineer is available at the moment and they’re all engaged, a telephone call may not be responded to, but a ticket will invariably be received. Furthermore, you can copy ‘n’ paste large pieces of info without needing to worry about typing errors, and in case a specific problem requires more time to be solved or a number of responses must be exchanged, all the info will be in the very same location, so each party can always see the comments supplied by the other one. The negative aspect of using tickets to touch base with your hosting company is that they are typically separate from the web hosting platform, which goes to say that if you need to provide info or to adhere to instructions, you will need to use at least 2 separate admin interfaces and this number may increase in case you want to administer several domain names. In addition, a lot of web hosting companies respond to tickets after hours, or even once in every twenty four hours, and for you as a client, this simply means wasted time while waiting for a response.

Integrated Ticketing System in Cloud Web Hosting

The ticketing system that we’re using for our Linux cloud web hosting packages isn’t separate from the web hosting account. It’s part of our all-encompassing Hepsia hosting Control Panel and you will be able to visit it whenever you want with only a few mouse clicks, without the need to leave your account. The ticketing system features a quick-search box, so you can find virtually any ticket that you have opened in the past, if required. On top of that, you can see knowledge base articles that belong to various problem categories, which you can pick, so you can find out how to solve a given issue even before you open a ticket. The ticket response time is no more than sixty minutes, which goes to say that you can receive quick assistance whenever you need it and if our support team advises you to do something inside your account, you can do it immediately without needing to leave the Hepsia Control Panel.

Integrated Ticketing System in Semi-dedicated Hosting

The ticketing system that we are using is incorporated into the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which we’ve created for our Linux semi-dedicated packages, so you will not require a separate platform to get in touch with our customer service staff – you can do this on the spot in case you encounter a challenge. Sending a new ticket takes a few clicks and finding an older one is equally easy. With our clever search filter, you can quickly track down any ticket that you’ve already opened. You can send a ticket at any moment whatsoever as our customer support staff representatives are on duty around the clock and respond in less than 60 minutes, although it rarely takes that much to get help. With Hepsia, you will have everything in a single place and you can just forget about the need to sign in and out of two or more platforms to fix a simple problem.