In case emails are a vital component of your online communication with business partners or family members, you may be better off using an email account with your own domain name and a mail service provider that supports the IMAP and POP3 protocols, rather than relying on a web-based email service that involves limitations as to the maximum size of the attachments. In this way, you will be able to check your mails on any desktop or mobile device using any software – Outlook, Thunderbird, Apple Mail, and so forth. With the IMAP protocol, you’ll be able to view the email messages locally at your end, but they will be on the server at all times, while with POP3, all email messages will be downloaded onto the device, unless you choose a copy to be saved on the server. On top of that, you’ll be able to make use of plenty of other useful options – calendars, contact groups, and so on, not to mention that if there is a temporary issue with your Internet connection, you can still see your emails as they’ll be on your desktop or handheld device.

POP3 IMAP E-mail Accounts in Cloud Web Hosting

You’ll be able to use any email client and any mobile or desktop device to examine your email messages if you buy one of our Linux cloud web hosting packages. Our mail servers support both email protocols (POP3 and IMAP), so you can pick the one that corresponds to your interests – you can download all emails to your home computer or you can store the emails on the email server in case you’ve got a company and a number of employees need to gain access to them, for example. You can even download a configuration file for a specific mailbox for any of the three most popular desktop email clients – Thunderbird, Apple Mail and Outlook. You will simply have to run the file on your computer and that mailbox will be automatically set up. If you’d like to use your phone, we have included in-depth tutorials on how to configure a mailbox on an iOS- or an Android-powered mobile device.

POP3 IMAP E-mail Accounts in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Our Linux semi-dedicated packages give you complete freedom in terms of where and how you can use any email address that you set up through our Hepsia hosting Control Panel. Since we support both POP3 and IMAP, you will be able to configure a mailbox on any desktop or handheld device regardless of the OS in use – a desktop computer, a portable computer or a smartphone. You can even download our auto-configuration files for Apple Mail, Outlook or Thunderbird and have a new mailbox automatically set up with your chosen software program. You will not need to do anything manually. Our comprehensive tutorials with step-by-step screen-caps will reveal to you how to set up an account on an iPhone or an Android smartphone. With any of these devices, you can decide whether the emails should be downloaded or if they should stay on the mail server. If you select the latter option, you’ll be able to access your emails from different locations.