Support Channels

  • 1 hour ticket response time
  • A User–Friendly Help Section

  • The Help Center section incorporated into your Site Control Panel offers a collection of help articles and regularly asked questions. Aimed at fixing any common issue that you may possibly come across, they are written by our support team of seasoned techs.

  • Top quality support service
  • Educational Videos

  • We have compiled a selection of instructional video tutorials that visually illustrate how to resolve a common issue related to your Linux cloud web hosting packages account. You will find the educational videos in the Help Center section.

  • Intuitive help center
  • A Sixty–Minute Response Time Guarantee

  • All our semi–dedicated servers are backed up by a 24–7 client support service and feature a sixty–minute support ticket response time guarantee. Our proficient technicians will be available to you 24x7 and will sort out any issue that you may possibly encounter within less than sixty minutes after the helpdesk ticket submission. In most instances, an answer will be given to you within 20 minutes.