A domain name is a special address that you can get via a registrar company. All devices that are connected to the Internet, such as web servers, feature numeric addresses, or IP addresses, which are quite hard to remember, so the domain system was introduced as an easy way to distinguish a particular website on the Internet. As a result, your site can be reached at www.domain.com rather than, for instance. A domain name has 2 separate parts - the Second-Level Domain, which is the actual site name that you are able to choose, and the Top-Level Domain, which is the extension - .com, .net, .org and so on. You are able to register your new domain name through any registrar or move a current domain between registrars in a few easy steps. If you choose to do the latter, your domain shall be renewed immediately by the gaining registrar right after the transfer process is finalized. In addition to the generic Top-Level Domains, there're country-code ones as well. A number of them can be registered by anyone, while others demand local presence or even a business license.

Domain Registration/Transfer in Cloud Web Hosting

When you purchase a Linux cloud web hosting package from our company, you're able to pick from over 50 domain extensions for your new domain name - both country-specific and generic ones. We can offer a virtually instant registration service as we partner with an certified ICANN registrar - the group that manages the domain system worldwide. Every time you order a new domain, it will be activated within a few minutes, so you are able to start taking care of your web site without any delay. You may even transfer a current domain that you have purchased from a different company and handle it from one place with the web hosting space for it on our end. Our leading-edge Domain Manager interface will provide you with full control over your domain names - renewals, Whois Privacy Protection, customized records, forwarding, WHOIS data management, and many more.

Domain Registration/Transfer in Semi-dedicated Hosting

If you choose to register your new domain name after getting a Linux semi-dedicated package through us, you'll have more than 50 extensions to pick from, both generic and country-code ones. For many of them, we are a certified registrar, that enables us to provide rapid registration solutions. For some others, we partner with several of the leading companies on the world wide web market. In the event that you already have domain names through a different company, you can move them with us and control them in a single place with the semi-dedicated account. As some extensions have specific conditions to be registered or moved, we shall assist you through the process until your website is fully operational on our end. We'll also provide you with an advanced Domain Manager interface, via which you can order/renew domains, get Whois Privacy Protection for them, create tailor-made records, control the WHOIS contact information, and many more.

Domain Registration/Transfer in Dedicated Hosting

We're an accredited registrar, so if you purchase a dedicated server through us, you will be able to register domain names for your web sites too. All our rates are very cost-effective plus our registrations are virtually immediate, therefore it does not take over a couple of min before your new sites go online. We will assist you with the registration process for all extensions that feature specific requirements and we'll make sure that the registration process goes as fast and as easily as possible. You are able to select from 50+ TLDs, both country-code and generic ones, so you can pick the best domain names for all of your websites considering the countries that you'd like to focus on or the type of the sites that you'll host on your server. In the event that you wish to host domains registered in a different place, you may as well move them over and manage everything handily in one place.